What is Serverless Computing and how it Enables Development Stakeholders?

What is Serverless Computing and how it Enables Development Stakeholders?

Development stakeholders spend immeasurable hours solving business challenges through code. Then it’s the operational stakeholders to spend time figuring out how to get the code that developers created and running that with accessible on infrastructure seamlessly. These are never-ending activities, so why not leave these components to someone else?

A lot of technology innovation has brought up cloud computing, virtual machines and containers with a focus to not think much about the physical machine that the code runs on. Serverless computing is increasingly adopted, and its logical conclusion is that you don’t have to know anything regarding the hardware or OS the code runs on. It’s the responsibility of your technology service provider.

What is Serverless Computing?

Serverless computing is a precise execution model for the cloud wherein a cloud service provider dynamically assigns and later charges the user for merely the used resources and storage required to enable a piece of code.

Of course, there is still involvement of servers; however, their enablement and maintenance are entirely handled by the service provider. So, anything that is related to managing a host, patching a host, or dealing at an operating system level, is not something you need to worry in the serverless space.

Selecting a Deployment Framework

Serverless development helps in bringing numerous roles like operations and development together. It translates to the Serverless developer creating automation and application code in parallel. The Serverless Framework enables to effortlessly tie multiple AWS services together to automate intact applications by using a single terminal command.

Migrating to Serverless

Server migration is a procedure in which data is positioned from one server to the other. The reasons for server migration can be security issues; equipment is replaced and many other aspects. However, while migrating to Serverless, you are altering and transforming the complete architecture into an event-driven architecture. Here, events move around the system, and services get decoupled.

AWS has server migration services that can be utilized to handle events communication. AWS Server Migration Service is a precise agentless service which makes it simple and swifter migrating bulk of on-premises workloads right to AWS. The objective behind a cloud server migration is similar to a local server-to-server migration; however, need distinct planning. Additionally, one can monitor server remaining on top of server performance challenges and outages using server monitoring service.

Serverless Deployment on Azure & AWS Cloud

The Serverless Framework is a universal cloud interface for deploying serverless computing solutions across diverse cloud providers. Serverless CLI back Azure features such as Premium Functions, KeyVault and API Management. The Serverless CLI now offers a standard interface for GitOps deployment to both AWS and Azure. The Serverless Multicloud Library, which provides a normalized runtime API deploy serverless apps to both Azure and AWS.

This design delivers high accessibility with active-active failover amid numerous cloud platforms, as divergent to active-passive failover. Suppose the services of one cloud provider become unobtainable, this solution can reroute the received requests to other cloud platforms.

Moving Forward

So, the serverless functions are entirely event-driven, and the code is invoked only when triggered by a specific request. The provider charges merely for compute time utilized by that execution, instead of a monthly fee for sustaining a physical or virtual server.

One of the most significant benefits of serverless computing is that developers can entirely focus on the business objectives of the code they create, instead of worrying about infrastructural queries. The second benefit is that organizations only need to pay for the computed resources they use practically, instead of investing in physical hardware or renting cloud instances that predominantly sit redundantly.

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